8. bibical principals | Information Systems homework help

Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest. – Ecclesiastes11:4

There are two extremes managers can fall into. One type believes that you need lots of information to make a good decision. This manager gathers data, facts, and information and continually evaluates his or her beliefs as to the best course of action based on new information coming in. This delays making the decision. The other manager goes by intuition and “gut” feeling. This manager makes decisions quickly without waiting for more information to come in.

How does a virtuous leader know how much information is enough to make a wise decision?

Instructions for Biblical Principles discussion

  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Navigate to the discussion where your instructor will post the information and prompts each week. 
  3. Read and respond to the prompt by Day 5 of the workshop.
  4. You are invited to read your classmates’ responses and engage in a discussion that explores the integration of biblical principles and perspectives.