Paraphrasing and editing a literature review
I need the attached literature review re-formatted to remove plagiarism. It is so full of it. The work is about 10 pages. I need it ASAP. The sources that produced the review are also provided.
Tutor’s comments below:
I have returned your literature review because the Turn It In Report percentage was 37%.
This report should not be over 15% and should not include blocks of text that has been taken directly
from various sources. Please view the attached report and paraphrase instead of typing the exact words of
the authors. Here is a guide to paraphrasing
Please make sure that you include a title page and indent each paragraph in the body of your paper.
Please schedule time to meet with me to discuss APA formatting, specifically in-text citations and the
reference page. For example in your in-text citations, you should include the (author, year) inside
quotation marks unless you discuss the author within a sentence, for example Author (year).
You do not need to number your references on your reference page and you did not include all of the
required items in your resources. Please view for
additional assistance. Each of your resources should also have the following with a hanging indent:
Contributors’ names (Last edited date). Title of resource. Retrieved from http://Web address for OWL
Kindly attach a Plag report after you paraphrase too!