Statistics unit 7 assessment- relationships between variables


Statistics Unit 7 Assessment- Relationships Between Variables  

In this lesson, you will run a correlation between the resting and after exercising heart rates to determine if a linear relationship exists between the two variables and how strong the relationship is.Steps

  1. Open the Heart Rate Dataset in Excel and identify the X-variable (resting heart rates for all 200 participants) and the Y-variable (after exercise heart rates for all 200 participants).
  2. Use the Scatter Plot function in the Insert Charts section of Excel to create a scatter plot of the X and Y variables
  3. Add a trendline to the scatter plot
  4. Use the Data Analysis tools in Excel to find the regression equation.
  5. In a Word document, describe the relationship between the X-variable (resting heart rate)and the Y-variable (after exercise heart rate).  
    • Graph the scatter plot with a trend line. Does it appear there is a linear relationship?  What does this mean?
    • Calculate the correlation coefficient r using excel. Is this r (value) high compared to +1?  Based on the correlation coefficient is the relationship strong?
    • Use excel to find the regression equation. Identify the slope.  What does it tell us in terms of our heart rate data?