Prevention of medication errors in elderly patients
1) Write a 4-6 page paper (not including the title page or reference page) using APA format
2) Include the following sections
a. Introduction- 20 points/8%
b. Importance – 20 points/8% • Describe the importance of the priority concept (topic) to professional practice • Describe the health of the patient population. • Include the potential negative effect to professional practice if the priority concept (topic) is unresolved. • Include the potential negative effect to the patient population if the priority concept (topic) is unresolved.
c. Healthcare Disparities, Inequalities, and Interventions- 70 points/28% • Identify patient populations that may be negatively influenced by the priority concept (topic) if unresolved. • Identify healthcare resources to support evidence-based professional practice related to the priority concept (topic). • Summarize potential priority concept (topic) healthcare disparities and inequalities related to diverse populations. • Propose an evidence-based solution for the priority concept (topic) related to healthcare disparities. • Identify three (3) evidence-based practice interventions. • Prioritize the identified evidence-based practice interventions and provide rationale. • Discuss two (2) patient education considerations related to the priority concept (topic).
d. Legal & Ethical Considerations and Intervention Challenges- 40 points/16% • Identify at least one (1) ethical and one (1) legal implication for addressing the priority concept (topic) in professional practice. • Discuss at least one (1) strategy in prevention of an ethical dilemma related to the priority concept (topic) in professional practice. • Discuss at least one (1) strategy in prevention of legal consequences related to the priority concept (topic) in professional practice. • Identify one (1) anticipated challenge to the success of preventing the priority concept (topic) in professional practice. • Identify one (1) anticipated challenges to the success of resolving the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.
e. Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach – 20 points/8% • Identify all the parties who will be involved in the implementation of the priority concept (topic) interventions. • Discuss the role of each member in the intervention implementation for the priority concept (topic). • Identify a minimum of two (2) members of a discipline outside of nursing. • Discuss the benefit of including the identified interdisciplinary member from disciplines outside nursing to promote evidence-based professional practice.
f. Quality Improvement– 20 points/8% • Provide at least one (1) benefit in patient outcomes from addressing the priority concept (topic) within the clinical environment. • Provide at least one (1) benefit to the nursing profession that will result from addressing this priority concept (topic) in clinical professional practice. • Discuss at least one (1) resource utilized to promote improved patient outcomes in the clinical environment. • Discuss at least one (1) resource utilized to increase professional nurse knowledge promoting improved clinical professional practice.
g. Conclusion – 20 points/8% • Provide a thorough recap of the purpose to promote increased evidence-based professional practice knowledge related to the priority concept (topic) deficiency. • Summarize resources identified to support improved evidence-based professional practice related to the priority concept (topic). • Include a complete statement describing why addressing the priority concept (topic) matters and to whom.
h. APA Style and Organization– 20 points/8% • References are submitted with paper. • Uses current APA format and is free of errors. • Grammar and mechanics are free of errors. • At least three (3) scholarly, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided. Each section should have a cited source to support information provided.
Make sure to include scholarly resources (3) from the past 5 years (no older).
Make sure to follow the guidelines Strictly.
Find the articles that will be specifically on elderly population.