Implement job offer strategy | HRM634DLAU1P2021 Planning and Staffing | Park University



Job Offers at Marine Max!

Unit Learning Outcomes

· Implement job offer strategy. (1)


Complete Chapter 11, Exercise #5: Staffing Challenge: Tailoring Job Offers to Candidates. Answer a.b.c.


· Minimum length: one page per question response

· Address the problem, discuss relevance to topic, using outside sources as support

· Include at least two scholarly sources and/or professional business periodicals, e.g.: Harvard Business Review, Human Resource Management, etc.

· Format: APA format, double space 12 pt font.

Chapter 11, Exercise #5: Staffing Challenge: Tailoring Job Offers to Candidates. Answer a.b.c.

Staffing Challenge: Tailoring Job Offers to Candidates

In this chapter’s opening Staffing Challenge, you learned how MarineMax tries to tailor its job offer to specific candidates. Working in a group of three to five students, reread the vignette and be prepared to share with the class your answers to the following questions:

a. Do you think it is ethical for MarineMax to give different new hires for the same job different amounts of pay and benefits?

b. Should MarineMax use low, competitive, or high job offer? Why? Should the company present a maximum job offer or leave room to negotiate? Why?

c. What can MarineMax do to increase the likelihood that the top sales candidates it recruits will accept its job offers?