Entwistle review (chapters 8-11) | COUC 506 | Liberty University


You will write a review of Entwistle chapters 8-11. This review must be 3-5 double-spaced pages

(not including the title and reference pages) and must be created in a Microsoft Word document.

Use the following guidelines to create your paper:

 Entwistle, D. N. (2015). Integrative approaches to psychology and  Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical  foundations, and models of integration (3rd ed.). Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers. ISBN: 9781498223485. 

1. Provide a title page in current APA format including only your name, the paper title

(referring to the article title), and the institutional affiliation (Liberty University). Keep in

mind that current APA recommends that the title length not exceed 12 words. Use the

running head in the appropriate place and a page number on every page. Divide your

summary into sections with the following headings: Summary, Interaction, and

Application (review the current APA Manual for guidance on levels of headings if


2. Develop a summary of the main concepts from Entwistle, Chapters 8-11 in

approximately two pages. Be appropriately concise but also be adequately complete in

your ideas. Prove that you comprehend the main ideas by writing a clear and succinct

summary. The summary is not a commentary or listing of topics but rather a discussion of

the core ideas (main ideas) in the chapters. If you miss the main ideas, you lack an

understanding of the complete message of the chapters. In this paper, please make sure

that you identify all of the models that Entwistle discusses. Cite the book in-text

(Entwistle, 2015) at least once per paragraph and include page numbers for direct

quotations (Entwistle, 2015, p. 123). As a general rule of thumb, please limit your direct

quotations to no more than three short quotations per written page. As a graduate student,

you are encouraged to use your own voice and tell your reader what the authors said,

rather than using lengthy quotes. Your professor wants to read what your own summary

description of the text is.

3. In your own words, interact (in approximately 1 page) with the chapters. Appropriate

comments for this part of the paper should include, but are not limited to: your initial

response to the chapters, insights you gained from reading these chapters, other thoughts

you have that might further enhance the discussion of your article, and especially which

model best suits yourself and why. Your subjective comments in this section must be

clearly tied to main points from the article, not peripheral ideas.

4. In your final section (in approximately 1 page) write how you would apply the

information you have learned from this article to a particular counseling situation or to

yourself. You are encouraged to write about how this concept of Entwistle’s models will

impact how you will operate as a professional counselor in the future. Also, consider

other sources that you have encountered in your life up to this point that relate to

Entwistle’s ideas, such as other textbooks, journal articles, Scripture passages, and even

ethical codes such as those in the ACA Code of Ethics (2014) or the AACC Code of

Ethics (2014).

5. Please make sure to include a Reference page and properly cite the Entwistle (2015)

book, along with any other sources of information you cite in your paper.

Point values for the paper, as well as for writing/current APA, can be found on the grading

rubric. Remember that all papers in this program follow current APA format and are written per

APA Professional (not APA student paper) standards.

****Let me know if you have the book in you bids