Activity 2 | Business & Finance homework help

Case Study 12.2: “First Come, First Served”: Resource Challenges for Sunrise RestorationThis case is intended to highlight the challenges in resource assignment, particularly in the common cases where project managers within the same firm are competing with each other for the use of scarce and valuable human resources to accomplish their tasks.  Without clear guidance from top management and a valid priority system, the ability to acquire resources is often the result of chaotic bargaining and negotiation among equals. This case is based on a real situation and the outcomes were very much in line with the way they are described in the case.  The business owner did not want to simply invest in more resources for fear that they would be underutilized.  He much preferred the system of negotiating among his project managers, even if that led to inefficient utilization of the resources that were available.  Students can be asked to take the side of the owner or Tyler to debate the options that Sunrise can use to manage its resources.Questions

  1. Describe some of the resource constraints that Sunrise and its project managers are facing.
  2. Is Sunrise’s current model of prioritizing resource assignments viable?  Why or why not?
  3. How could technology alleviate some of Sunrise’s resource management issues?
  4. Would Tyler’s suggestion to hire additional technicians and purchase more equipment solve the resource problems at Sunrise?  Why or why not?